Unlock Script

How to deactivate a license

To successfully unlock your tool, you need to enter the following information:

  • Name (Optional)
    Enter your name so you can easily identify your machine when you manage your licenses later. This is particularly useful if you have bought multiple licenses.
  • License Key
    Enter the license key you received in your email.

Once you've entered your license key,
click the Unlock button to activate your tool.


My login screen looks different

Each tool may feature its own unique design. However, the login process is the same for all tools.

I can't see / click the unlock button

Make sure you've entered your license key correctly. Once a valid license key is entered, the unlock button will appear.

I don't have a license key yet

In that case you need to purchase a license first.
Best place to start is the store.

Someone else bought the license for me and I don't have access to their email

If you're part of a team and someone else bought the license for you, you can ask them to access the license manager for you.

I get an error when I try to unlock my tool

If you still facing issues, please contact me.