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Paths from Nulls



The evil brother of Nulls from Paths



Dynamic Path

Select at least two nulls and click Points Follow Nulls. This will generate a new path that will be connected to those nulls using an expression. ‍Tip: by holding shift, you can generate using any selected layer, nulls or not.

Static Path

Use Static Path from Nulls to generate an expression-free path. This path will initially be shaped according to the selected nulls/layers, but will not follow them as you move them around.


Use additional options like 'Ropes' to make your generated paths bend when your nulls get closer to each other, or 'Path Closed' to quickly toggle the path closed/open feature on and off.

Macbook Pro

Bring joy back to motion

Technical Specs

v.1     Latest

Supported Apps: After Effects 17.0+

Version: 1

Type: jsxbin


14-Day Money-Back Guarantee  

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Refund Policy

After checking out, you will:

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📦   Receive a download link

You will then be able to download, install and unlock Paths from Nulls on your computer.

Made for happiness

All tools, including Paths from Nulls, are designed to help you be more productive and have more fun mixing art with your job.

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Indie Development

Buying Paths from Nulls supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!

The End User License Agreement and License Terms will help you clarify any questions you might have about your purchase.


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Indie Development

Buying Paths from Nulls supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!