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Live, Looping, Non-Confusing Wiggle



Never guess numbers again

The Wiggle panel unlocks a no-code wiggle workflow. The smiley face shows you exactly what you're going to get. Once you're done just click Apply and the expression will be applied to selected properties.

Most loved feature

Looping Wiggle

Never again will you have to google search 'looping wiggle expression' and try to figure out how to make it work. You're a designer, not a programmer. Let Wiggle do the heavy lifting.

Live Preview

See your wiggle in real time. No more guessing what your wiggle will look like. The preview updates as you change the settings.

wiggle smiley

Choose your Axis

Wiggle on the X, Y, or Z axis, or any combination of them.

Separate Dimensions

Sorry to hear about your dimensions separating. Wiggle will be there to support you during those hard times (but won't pay for therapy)

Responsive UI

Wiggle fits to your workspace. Make it as small or as big as you want so you can focus on what's important.

Intelligent Sliders

Sliders intelligently adjust to the range of values you need

Macbook Pro

Bring joy back to motion

Technical Specs

v.1.51     Latest

Supported Apps: After Effects 17.0+

Version: 1.51

Type: zxp


14-Day Money-Back Guarantee  

Every purchase is backed with a 14-day money-back guarantee.
If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason,
simply let me know

Refund Policy

After checking out, you will:

🔑   Receive your license key
📦   Receive a download link

You will then be able to download, install and unlock Wiggle on your computer.

Extension Panel

Wiggle is built upon Adobe's Extension Panel technology which allows for better UI and UX over traditional scripts. It will be available under Window > Extensions.

Made for happiness

All tools, including Wiggle, are designed to help you be more productive and have more fun mixing art with your job.

Learn More about Happiness


Indie Development

Buying Wiggle supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!

The End User License Agreement and License Terms will help you clarify any questions you might have about your purchase.


Previously purchased Wiggle?
Visit the download page to get the latest version.

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🧘‍♂️ 🧘 🧘‍♀️

Indie Development

Buying Wiggle supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!