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Duplicate Layers with Perfect Spacing
Duplicate layers in
2 Directions

Make the next copy in a series of layers

Make new copies in-between two layers

Kangaroo unlocks
Designed with so many workflows in mind
Kangaroo won't sit on your shelf of unused plugins
Educational Motion Graphics
We often have to find ways to present boring information in an exciting way. Organic repetition is a great way to do that, and Kangaroo makes it easy
Perfect Loops
Boomers and Zoomers alike love perfect loops. Kangaroo will help you nail the spacing and timing between repeating elements
Isometric Animations
With the precision of Kangaroo, placing copies in an isometric space becomes easier than ever before, and you can re-time each layer to create organic movement in seconds
Breakable Patterns
Anyone can make a pattern, but only a few make ones that challenge the viewer's expectations. With Kangaroo you can fill the screen with copies and selectively choose which ones to animate and how
Loading Screens
Loaders often use repetition to create an illusion of movement. Whether you want to place each element around a circle, in a row, or a column, Kangaroo will help you get there in seconds
3D Transforms
Use kangaroo to rotate new copies across an anchor point, and create 3D structures made of 2D layers, like this ring of text layers
With Kangaroo, you can create hundreds of copies of a layer to create a 3D extrusion effect. Kangaroo's power of accepting most properties means you can easily create color transitions, or even animate the extrusion itself

Using a single copy of a layer, you can create a row. Once you have a row, you can duplicate it to create a grid
Rigs & Expressions
When you reference Expression Controls in your expressions, you can use Kangaroo to create a new value for each copy, like this example where each layer traces a different point on a path as well as a different color

Let the future unveil itself
With Kangaroo for After Effects
No Expressions!
Kangaroo keeps your project clean and does not force you into a workflow that is not your own.
Use Kangaroo to achieve the result you want, and then continue to work on your project as you normally would.
Kangaroo is easy to use
All Kangaroo does it predicting your next steps and automating them for you.
Most of the time you will only need to click one button to get the result you want. It doesn't get easier than that.
Kangaroo is small and compact
With only a couple of buttons, you will barely notice Kangaroo is there.
You can even make the panel width smaller to force it into a single column.
When the contents of the panel are bigger than what you can see, you can scroll to see the rest.
Kangaroo behaves like any other panel in After Effects.
You can dock it anywhere you want, or choose to keep it floating.
No (probably)
But if you do get punched in the face by a Kangaroo, please send the community a video of it
Some videos in this page have been sped up for demonstration purposes.
* Kangaroo attempts to work with any property it can read and write to.
Some properties are not accessible by Kangaroo due to limitations posed by Adobe.
Learn more about supported properties and the limitations of Kangaroo
Real world performance may vary depending on your system.
53 minutes
of use$3,388
per year in productivityBased on your daily rate of
Technical Specs
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Every purchase is backed with a 14-day money-back guarantee.
If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason,
simply let me know
After your purchase is complete, you will:
You will then be able to download, install and unlock Kangaroo on your computer.
You can quickly deactivate your license on one computer and activate it on another.
You will be able to download all future updates for free until the next major version.
If you buy a license today for version v.1.04, you will be able to download all updates until v.1.99
Kangaroo is built upon Adobe's Extension Panel technology which allows for better UI and UX over traditional scripts. It will be available under Window > Extensions.
All tools, including Kangaroo, are designed to help you be more productive and have more fun mixing art with your job.
Learn More about Happiness
Buying Kangaroo supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!
The End User License Agreement and License Terms will help you clarify any questions you might have about your purchase.
Previously purchased Kangaroo?
Visit the download page to get the latest version.
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Indie Development
Buying Kangaroo supports an independent developer and helps me make more tools for you. Thank you for your support!